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15Hatfields, London
Leading Safeguarding
Lead sponsor


Registration and refreshments
Strategic update: safeguarding leadership changes
Understand and unpack upcoming changes and the implications these will have on your strategy and leadership.
Mapping safeguarding: identifying risks, trends and threats
Carry out horizon scanning to identify potential risks, trends and threats in your setting.
A whole school approach to digital safeguarding
Create a culture that incorporates digital safety in all aspects of school life and take away tools to a build an engaged school community.
Facilitated questions and answer using #oeSafeguarding
Morning refreshments, networking and exhibition
Workshop Choices 1
1A Building a culture by learning from low level concerns
Develop clear procedures for responding to low-level concerns and help foster and embed a good culture.
1B Effective responses to racism
Embolden your staff to respond effectively and confidently to racism
1C The importance of impartiality when dealing with child-on-child abuse
Gain tools to ensure your procedures are impartial and protect all parties in child-on-child abuse cases.
Lunch, networking and exhibition
Workshop Choices 2
2A Use AI to identify hidden safeguarding trends
Understand how AI and data can uncover hidden trends to help safeguard children.
2B Working with your safeguarding Governor
Gain a clear understanding of the role of governors in safeguarding and acquire the tools needed to build strong, rewarding and effective partnerships.
2C Reduce referral refusal
Establish a consistent record-keeping culture that uses clear and purposeful language to ensure escalated referrals are not overlooked.
Afternoon refreshments, exhibition and networking
Workshop choices 3
3A Parental engagement
Develop a consistent strategy that equips staff to effectively engage with parents, addressing potential issues early to prevent complex complaints from arising.
3B Strong safeguarding teams
Develop and sustain a strong safeguarding team through comprehensive succession planning and successful transitions.
3C Creating a successful safeguarding strategy
Identify key priorities and develop a sustainable, long-term safeguarding plan.
How students can take active roles in their own safeguarding
Create a safeguarding culture where students actively participate in their own protection.
Addressing your burning issues