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15Hatfields, London
SEND Update
Lead sponsor


Registration and refreshments
Networking, refreshments and exhibition
Find your tribe
Connect with colleagues from similar settings as you and benefit from facilitated discussions surrounding your ambitions for SEND support.

Complex needs
Support students with complex needs within an inclusive environment that offers equal opportunity for students to develop and succeed.
Emotionally Based School Avoidance
Increase your understanding of EBSA and gain techniques to support students and remove barriers to learning.
Inclusion - what makes it work?
Inclusion for all is an ongoing challenge, Hugh will reflect on his years of experience and outline key factors that can make inclusion a reality for all.
Facilitated questions and answer using #oeSEND
Morning refreshments, networking and exhibition
Workshop Choices 1
1A Effective working with your local authority
Reflect on your current working relationship with your LA and find strategies to improve a collaborative approach.
1B EAL and Wellbeing: Consider the mental health of English as an Additional Language students
Gain tangible ways to improve the mental health of EAL students and their experiences with social integration, assessment and attainment.
1C Advance inclusion with collaboration
Share expertise between specialist and mainstream schools to boost inclusion for all and takeaway steps to make the change.
Lunch, networking and exhibition
Workshop Choices 2
2A Working with parents
Strengthen your relationships with the parental community and ensure aligned support through clear communication.
2B Whole school culture
Lead a whole school culture that is supportive, inclusive and allows all staff and students to thrive.
2C Universal design for learning
Discover the UDL approach to learning and how it gives all students equal opportunity to succeed.
Workshop Choices 3
3A High-quality teaching for all
Develop your high-quality teaching methods, so you can meet the needs of all students in class.
3B SEMH support
Ensure that you can offer high quality evidence-based support to all learners with SEMH needs.
Increase your knowledge of the laws that apply to your role, enabling greater confidence when managing EHCPs.
3D Meet sensory needs
Adapt and improve how you support sensory regulation for students to benefit behaviour, engagement and morale.
Afternoon refreshments, networking and exhibition
Maximise your support staff
Optimise how you utilise the unique relationship support staff have with students, supporting high quality teaching and pastoral support.
Conference close