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Conference menu
Registration, refreshments, networking and exhibition
Welcome from Optimus Education
The art (and the craft) of leadership
Explore the balance between personal leadership presence and practical skills.
Engage in tasks that will enable you to reflect on the importance of cultivating authenticity, building trust, and developing strong team dynamics.
Leave equipped with both the relational and tactical tools needed to inspire and guide your teams.
Engage in tasks that will enable you to reflect on the importance of cultivating authenticity, building trust, and developing strong team dynamics.
Leave equipped with both the relational and tactical tools needed to inspire and guide your teams.
Standing out: Designing and articulating your long-term plan
In a competitive market for both staff and students, the way that leaders design and articulate their school’s unique approaches and strengths matters. This session explores six questions that every school leader needs to articulate a response to. Every school has a version of vision and values, and every school has an improvement plan but there is space for some important thinking and design in between. Come along to sharpen your school’s long term development plan or to rethink it in order to stand out.
Morning refreshments, networking and exhibition
Transforming school culture
Foster a team culture which is committed to accelerating ambitious outcomes for students and effect change to drive school improvement.
Lunch, networking and exhibition
Confessions of a serial leader
Leading an international school requires a particular and acquired skill set – particularly in Dubai (UAE) where there are significant external pressures and where everybody is from somewhere with different experiences (or limited experience) of what is effective and constructive leadership.
In this session John will articulate the lessons learnt over many years leading schools and leaders, the top tips, what to watch out for, the soft and the hard skills to lead the leaders in an international school environment.
In this session John will articulate the lessons learnt over many years leading schools and leaders, the top tips, what to watch out for, the soft and the hard skills to lead the leaders in an international school environment.
Afternoon refreshments, networking and exhibition
Artificial intelligence, Ed Tech and the future of learning
Shifting the needle
Driving school improvements by microshifts in cultures and practice.
Training day ends