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Vision Learning Trust
MAT Regional Network: North East
Lead sponsor


Registration and networking
Chair's welcome and introductions
Our trust's lessons from growth through mergers
Roundtable 1
Networking and refreshments
Use your people strategy to save money and time
This session will look at creating a people strategy and explore means and ways of enabling efficiencies in time and resources to release your staff to do what they do best - teach or support.

We'll consider aspects including recruitment and retention, flexible working and absence management. Investing time and resource into designing and implementing a strong people strategy tailored to your Trust's needs can yield significant savings in the long run, while also maximising talent and employee engagement.

- Do you leverage technology smartly to boost workforce efficiency?
- Are your workforce decisions data and evidence-led?
- Is your approach to talent management paying dividends?
Roundtable 2
Looking forward: your network 2024-25